Beliefs, Values, and Traditions
This week's topic is culture, beliefs, values, and traditions. Growing up I'm sure we can all say in our families there was set beliefs and values. Some of the beliefs I was raised with was religion. I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ my whole life. Because of this I was always expected to try and be my best. My parents were also both raised in the church. However their lives were very different. Some homes were filled with love and joy and some homes were filled with anger and hardly any love. Some families grow up very strict and some are very loose. Even though as members of the church we are all taught the same thing, each family is so different. There are no two families that are the same. In my family growing up there was so much love. As a child I knew my parents loved me and wanted the best for me. Some of my friends however did not think their parents loved them and it made me sad to hear them say that. I was raised to love others and show kindness. Because of this, today in my life I want to continue those values in my life and pass those onto my future children. One thing I noticed in my childhood is how much my mom did love me. She showed this through hugging me and giving me kisses the way any loving mother does. Talking in class I wonder if that's why now in my life I prefer not to be touched. I loved all the cuddles as a child but as I grew up, I wanted it less and less. I now am learning to love it again. Being Both my parents are very good at showing emotion. You know how they are feeling and they are not shy to show if they are sad, angry, or happy. Because my parents were very good at showing emotion, I learned how to be emotional as well. Sometimes i'm a little too emotional. My parents always told me they loved me. It was normal to say I love you. In some homes that is not normal and it is rare to hear the words I love you. That makes me sad that some children grew up not hearing that. I want to ensure that my children know how much they're loved. I want the words I love you to be so normal. I want it to be said all the time. The last thing I want to talk about this week is dating. Dating is so important. You need to be cautious in who you date and make sure you're dating the right people. Date people who have the same values as you. Be intentional in who you date. Don't date people who you don't even like. Make sure that the people you date know how you really feel about them. Going on good dates will help you out for when you're married. Go on dates when you do get married. It is so important to spend quality time together. It doesn't have to big this big romantic gesture. You can simply get a milkshake and walk around the park. Spending this quality time together will help you grow closer as a couple. Be intentional. Make sure you're family members know that you love them and tell them often. I know one day my children will be able to say how much they were loved. I hope for generations to come that this tradition of showing love and being loved will continue. I'm grateful my parents showed me love and told me they loved me. I'm grateful I was raised in a church where I was taught to make good choices that those choices kept me safe.
Loved this and found it really interesting! I think it’s great that you are trying to prioritize date night and knowing it can be a miikshake and a walk!! Spending quality time is so important