Our Identity

    This week I want to talk about our identity. We know that we are sons and daughters of God. I know that I am a girl. I was born as a female and was raised to be a female. I've always known who I was. I never struggled with identity. But that is not the case for all people. Some people struggle to know who they are. Most people are born either a girl or a boy. Some people, very rare, are born with both and they are told to choose. It can be hard for them to know who they are and they feel like they don't belong. We need to not judge others. We don't know what people are going through, unless we go through it ourselves, we truly don't understand. Just be kind. We are taught at a young age to love one another. Often when we are young we don't judge others, but why, as we grow up, start to judge more even though we weren't that way when we were younger. Love one another as Jesus loves you. That is a line from one of my favourite primary songs. Jesus would never judge, so why do we? It's becoming more common that men and women are attracted to the same sex. In the church we are taught to love those people but not support them in the choices they make. If we're not supporting them, we truly are not loving them fully. We need to learn how to love and accept people for who they really are even though it can be hard at times. Imagine if you were in their place and you were told "Oh I love you, just stop being that way and change because it's wrong." For the most part most people don't choose to be attracted to the same gender. People mentally struggle with this and don't know where they fit in. You may feel a certain way about  a gender but some don't act on it and let it build up. Some people say they are gay but don't understand why. Again we need to love. People need our support. Of course people have different opinions and views, some may not agree with what I'm saying, but that is totally okay! Everyone is allowed to think and value whatever they want. No two people agree on everything. We truly just need to remember a few things. Don't judge others, you don't know what they're going through. Love one another. And lastly, treat others the way you want to be treated. 


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